5 min read

How to Make Passive Income on Amazon

Written by
Vanessa Hung
January 25, 2024

Are you looking for ways to make money without working all the time? Amazon might have the answers. It's a huge place where people buy and sell things, and it's full of chances to earn cash on the side.

We will show you some smart ways to make money on Amazon that keep paying you, even when you're not working. These aren't get-rich-quick tricks; they're real ideas you can use today.

So, if you're ready to see some money rolling in while you go about your life, let's dive into how you can make it happen with Amazon.

Key Takeaways

What Is Passive Income and How Can You Earn It on Amazon?

Let's delve into passive income from the basics to the specifics. Passive income means you earn money even when not actively working. It comes from sources other than a traditional job.

Think of it as making your money work for you.

You can tap into this stream by using Amazon's diverse platforms. Sell products with Amazon FBA, where they handle storage and shipping for you. Join the Amazon affiliate marketing program; recommend items and get paid when people buy through your links.

Create digital books or courses and publish them on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Each method offers a way to build residual income that grows over time without trading hours for dollars daily.

7 Ways to Make Passive Income on Amazon

1. Earn with Amazon Affiliate Marketing

The Amazon Associates Program offers a way to earn by promoting products. You can do this by signing up for the program, and then integrating Amazon affiliate links into your website or blog content. When someone clicks your link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. 

Step-by-step guide:

2. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Kindle Direct Publishing allows you to write and publish ebooks and paperbacks. You market your book through social media, your website, or Amazon's promotional tools to maximize sales.

Step-by-step guide:

3. Design With Merch by Amazon

Upload your original artwork to Merch by Amazon, and they will print it on various products. To begin, request an invitation to join Merch by Amazon, and once accepted, upload your designs, select product types and colors, and set your price.

Amazon will create a product page, and when a customer buys your design, you will receive a royalty. There's no need to manage inventory or customer interactions, making it a perfect passive income source.

Step-by-step guide:

4. Selling Audiobooks on Audible ACX

Audible's Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) makes it possible to turn your written content into audiobooks.

Audible will make your audiobooks available on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes, and you'll earn royalties for every sale. Optimize your earnings by promoting your audiobook across your networks and leveraging Audible's promotional tools.

Step-by-Step Guide:

5. ​​Amazon Influencer Program

The Amazon Influencer Program empowers social media influencers to earn passive income by creating their own Amazon storefront to showcase recommended products.

Step-by-step guide:

6. License Your Product Ideas With Amazon

For those who have a product concept but don't want to deal with manufacturing and selling, product licensing is an option. To license your product on Amazon, research companies interested in licensing within your product's niche.

Then, reach out with a proposal that outlines the benefits of your idea. Once you strike a deal, you can earn ongoing royalties while the licensee handles production and sales. It's a way to monetize your creativity with minimal operational responsibilities.

Step-by-step guide:


From affiliate marketing to publishing and beyond, each avenue offers unique advantages to suit different interests and skills. The key is to choose the path that resonates with you, take the first step, and commit to nurturing your chosen venture.

With dedication and the rich array of resources provided by Amazon, the seeds you plant today can grow into a flourishing garden of passive income streams. So, take action, harness the power of Amazon, and start building your passive income journey in 2024.


1. How to make passive income on Amazon without selling physical products?

You can make passive income on Amazon by creating and selling digital products, publishing eBooks and audiobooks with Kindle Direct Publishing, or becoming an affiliate marketer through the Amazon Associates program.

2. Can you start Amazon with no money?

Starting an Amazon business typically requires some capital for inventory and other expenses. However, no-money options include affiliate marketing or publishing digital content, which have minimal upfront costs.

3. How long did it take Amazon to make a profit?

Amazon took nearly seven years to turn its first full-year profit in 2003 since its founding in 1994.

4. Is it realistic to make money on Amazon?

Yes, it is realistic to make money on Amazon through various methods such as selling products, Amazon Affiliate marketing, publishing books, or providing services on Amazon Home Services. Success depends on choosing the right strategy and market, as well as dedication and smart work.

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