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What Is Amazon Listing Hijacking? Learn How To Stop Amazon Hijackers

Written by
Vanessa Hung
January 25, 2024

As an Amazon seller, one of the most important assets you have is your product listings. They are your storefront, your sales pitch, and your public face on Amazon. But what happens when this crucial asset gets hijacked? Amazon listing hijacking is a significant threat that can damage your sales and reputation. Understanding this issue and knowing how to combat it is key to maintaining a successful online business.

What Is Amazon Listing Hijacking?

Amazon listing hijacking occurs when a third-party seller jumps on your listing and begins selling counterfeit or different products under your brand name. These hijackers usually price their products lower than yours, diverting your potential customers to their offering. This practice not only steals your sales but also risks damaging your brand reputation if customers receive substandard or incorrect products.

How Does Amazon Listing Hijacking Happen?

The open marketplace model of Amazon, while offering many benefits, also provides an opportunity for unscrupulous sellers to misuse the platform. They can easily add themselves to your listing by claiming to sell the same product. Once they win the Buy Box, usually by underpricing, they start getting orders meant for you.

How to Detect Listing Hijacking?

Regularly monitoring your listings is essential to detect any hijacking promptly. Look for sudden unexpected drops in sales, negative reviews mentioning receiving different products, or losing control of the Buy Box despite competitive pricing. Tools like AMZAlert and Helium 10 can automatically monitor your listings and alert you about potential hijacks.

How to Combat Amazon Listing Hijacking?

While it's a challenging issue, there are several steps you can take to combat Amazon listing hijacking:

  1. Brand Registry: Register your brand with Amazon's Brand Registry. This gives you more control over your listings and provides tools to search for and report violations.
  2. Trademark your Brand: A registered trademark gives you legal grounds to defend your brand against counterfeiters and hijackers.
  3. Monitor Your Listings: Regularly check your listings for signs of hijacking. Automated tools can help you stay on top of this.
  4. Test Buy: If you suspect a seller is hijacking your listing with counterfeit products, make a 'test buy'. This will give you concrete proof to report to Amazon.
  5. Report to Amazon: Report hijackers to Amazon. Provide as much detail and evidence as you can to help Amazon take action.

Additional Strategies for Combating Listing Hijacking

  1. Use Unique Product Identifiers: If your product has unique identifiers like a model number or UPC that you own, it makes it harder for hijackers to claim they're selling the same product.
  2. Enhanced Brand Content Services or A+ Content: Amazon allows Brand Registered sellers to enhance their listings with additional content, like more detailed product descriptions and high-quality images. This not only makes your product more appealing but also harder for hijackers to duplicate.
  3. Build Strong Seller Performance Metrics: Amazon tends to favor sellers with strong performance metrics when resolving disputes. Maintaining high standards for order defect rate, pre-fulfillment cancel rate, and late shipment rate may aid in your defense against hijackers.
  4. Legal Action: If hijackers persist despite your efforts, you may need to take legal action. A cease and desist letter from a lawyer can be a strong deterrent. In some cases, you may need to escalate to a lawsuit.

Amazon Transparency Program

The Amazon Transparency Program is a product serialization service that helps protect your brand and products from counterfeiting. This program can be an effective way to prevent unauthorized sellers from hijacking your listings.

Here's how it works:

  1. Enrollment: Brands need to enroll in the program. Once enrolled, every unit you manufacture is required to have a unique Transparency code.
  2. Apply Transparency Codes: You apply unique Transparency codes to every unit you manufacture. These codes can be applied as QR codes on the packaging or product.
  3. Authentication by Amazon: When customers or Amazon fulfilment centers receive a product, they can use the Amazon Shopping app or a separate Transparency app to scan the code. This verifies the authenticity of the product.
  4. Track and Trace: Brands can access detailed unit-level traceability reports to see where and when their products are being sold.

The Amazon Transparency Program provides several benefits to combat listing hijacking:

  1. Prevents Counterfeits: Only products with valid Transparency codes are shipped to customers, preventing counterfeit items from reaching them.
  2. Deters Hijackers: When every product has a unique code, it's difficult for hijackers to sell fake products under your listing.
  3. Builds Customer Trust: Customers can authenticate the product before purchase, building trust in your brand and increasing customer satisfaction.

Final Thoughts

Amazon listing hijacking is indeed a serious threat, but it's not undefeatable. By utilizing a combination of proactive strategies and tools, you can protect your brand and ensure the integrity of your account.

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